England's Response to Qatar - Sends a Gay Minister to the Championship © JumpStory

England has decided to react to the scandalous words of the world football championship ambassador Khalid Salman about homosexuality.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is sending experienced minister Stuart Andrew to the upcoming sports festival, who doesn't hide the fact that he is gay.

This way the English will show solidarity with homosexual fans of their national team, who will still go to the football event.

This week Kh. Salman said:

"Gays? They must accept the rules of our country. It is forbidden in our country.

I am not a strict Muslim, but why is it forbidden? Because homosexuality is a sign of a disturbed mind."

Minister for Sport and Equality S. Andrew is not facing severe Qatari punishments because he will be included in the official delegation.

Qatar scares homosexual people with punishments ranging from seven years imprisonment to death by shooting.