Family Football Festival took place at the Rimšai estate, which has been around for over a century. © Organizatorių

The family football celebration "United Family," organized since 2010, always took place at a football stadium, field, or sports hall, but since 2019 the family football celebration has started traveling to various historical sites in Lithuania: manors (Paežeriai, Aštrioji Kirsna, Ilguva, Kiduliai, Lower Panemunė manors), castles (Raudonė, Siesikai castles), museums (Maironis, Children and Literature, Skriaudžiai, Juozas Lukša-Daumantas, Salomėja Nėris and Bučas house museums, Šilinė tavern), and the birthplaces of historical Lithuanian figures (Jonas Basanavičius, Jonas Jablonskis, Maironis, Stasys Girėnas).

In the event, families play with a first-size ball into unconventional-sized goals. Throughout all matches, family members make decisions together, thus promoting the principles of fair play. Over the 32 events that have taken place, more than 100 families from various cities, towns, and villages in Lithuania participated.

This year, the family football celebration took place at the Rimšių homestead, where a museum has been operating for about 50 years. At the goalpost, marked by a commemorative plaque due to the concern of local exiles, it is noted that from 1945-46, there was an underground printing house of the Lithuanian partisans Tauro district in this homestead. Two brave patriots - Juris Rimša, the son of the former owners of the homestead, and his friend Juozas Kulboka printed the newspaper "Freedom Scout" here. The poet Robertas Keturakis writes about the homestead: "The bright spirit of the Artist and the Human lives under this roof, under the tree branches, under the roof, warning us of what is temporary and insignificant, and what is eternal, magnificent, and beautiful."

It is very pleasant to see families and their little ones playing in my homestead's yard. I thank the event organizer Martynas. I wish success in the future in organizing such celebrations and remembering our nation's history. - shared her thoughts Ona Rimšaitė - Gilaitienė, the daughter of Jurgis Rimša.

It is a great honor to organize the family football celebration in such a place, knowing the history of the people who lived in this homestead. I am glad that the hostess of this homestead welcomed us so hospitably with this idea, it is a great honor. Participants of the event had an excellent opportunity to learn about the history of this homestead - said the event organizer Martynas Karpavičius.

Event participants had the chance to hear the history of the Rimšių homestead, interestingly narrated by the guide Ona Maksvytienė.

This time, the family football event chose the Rimšių homestead, renowned for its multi-layered history: a newspaper published underground during the struggle for freedom. A Jewish girl was brought to this remote village from Kaunas. A famous sculptor, medalist, and graphic artist Petras Rimša was born and grew up on the banks of Rausvė. The model created by brothers Jurgis and Juozas Rimša was visited by excursions and delegations - this is just part of what the guide Ona Maksvytienė shared.

In the family football celebration, families from Stankaičiai (Kaunas), Karpavičiai, Švedai (Ringaudai, Kaunas district), Svirupskiai (Marijampolė), Zubrickai (Mokolai, Marijampolė municipality), Paulauskai (Igliauka, Marijampolė municipality), Duobai (Pašeimeniai, Vilkaviškis district), Ramanauskai (Akademija, Kaunas district) competed.

The winners of the first stage were Paulauskai, the second place was taken by the Duobai family, and the third place prizes were won by the Zubrickai. The prize-winning teams were awarded medals and trophies, and all event participants were invited to the UEFA Nations League football match Lithuania - Cyprus, which will take place on September 6 at Dariaus and Girėno stadium.

After the first stage, families ranked as follows: Paulauskai - 10 points, Svirupskiai - 9 points, Duobai - 6 points, Karpavičiai, Švedai, Stankaičiai - 4 points, Zubrickai - 3 points, Ramanauskai - 1 point.

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