FIFA dispelled the shadow of the corruption scandal over Russia and Qatar

Russia and Qatar will be able to organize the World Cup in 2018 and 2022, according to FIFA's corruption court, which has dispelled doubts.

FIFA ethics judge Joachim Eckert confirmed that there is no evidence that Russians and Qataris bribed the organization's leaders who decided on the rights to host the World Cup.

The only remaining question mark about the 2022 World Cup in Qatar is the time of year. FIFA is considering changing the competition calendar - moving football matches from June and July to winter and summer due to the unbearable summer heat in Qatar.

According to J. Eckert, eleven states that competed to host the championships violated some rules, but this allegedly did not affect the voting results.

The biggest astonishment for FIFA critics was Qatar's victory in the 2022 World Cup bids, where Qataris defeated the USA 14:8 in the final. There was a scandal that the wealthy Qatar likely bought votes.

The British newspaper "The Sunday Times" reported that former top Qatari football official Mohammed bin Hammam paid over 5 million US dollars to secure support in the elections.

Meanwhile, M. bin Hammam was a member of the FIFA Executive Committee.

In addition, FIFA accused the English Football Association of trying to convince former FIFA Vice President Jack Warner from Trinidad and Tobago.

A repeat vote for the rights to host the 2022 World Cup will not take place.

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