Four continents are involved in this scandal: North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Two out of three most powerful countries are participating (USA and Russia), while the third (China) could be indirectly involved. One of the rapidly rising countries in political, diplomatic, and economic terms is also involved (Qatar), however, as stated in the publication, the most important aspect is the consequences of these events.
The third world war does not necessarily have to be an armed conflict. It touches huge interests in various spheres, as FIFA has acquired the signs of a global political structure: it creates nations that do not exist, punishes countries that, in football terms, do not recognize other states, supports movements fighting for autonomy and independence.
As written in the publication, only conspiracy theorists can believe that the goal of the FIFA investigation is the American desire to disrupt the World Cup taking place in Russia. It is now clear that there was no conspiracy against Sepp Blatter and FIFA, but rather conflicts of interest, resentment, and competition for power and influence. It is already evident that the FIFA investigation is shifting to a more serious political level, to be discussed at the G7 meeting, and England is ready to host the World Cup if it is not held in Qatar.
And here again the role of Russia emerges. Until recently, Qatar was considered an ally of London. Do recent statements by the English representatives indicate changes? According to British analysts - yes.
When talking about Qatar, one must always keep Russia in mind. England considered granting the rights to host the tournament to Russia, not only a mistake but also an unacceptable gesture. The same applies to the USA, who believe that football is one of the issues that must be addressed in shaping relations with Russia.
It is clear that we are witnessing alliances and ruptures: Europe and the US against Russia and Asia, but in this political-diplomatic war related to football, there is too much confusion.
In Asia, Qatar has many opponents (due to Qatari support for the "Muslim Brotherhood" and its position on Libya). China should also not be forgotten, as it invests heavily in football and would like to host the World Cup as soon as possible: many believe this will happen in 2026. Beijing maintains relations with Washington and Moscow, but these relations are far from simple, and it is unclear how they will develop. This scandal has created a situation where everyone is fighting against everyone, and this war has involved much that has nothing to do with football.
By covering up less important things like foreign policy, one can hide what cannot be done and said in foreign policy. And it is much easier to go back.