"Fiorentina" beats "Genoa" at home by eleven © JumpStory

On Monday evening, "Fiorentina" dominated throughout the match and crushed the "Genoa" team at home with a score of 6:0. The hosts started the match by earning an 11-meter penalty kick. Riccardo Saponara was fouled in the opponent's penalty area and one of the most productive players of the championship, Dusan Vlahovic, stepped up to take the penalty kick. Unfortunately, he did not manage to score this time, as the goalkeeper of the "Genoa" team, Salvartore Sirigu, excellently saved the penalty and kept the score level. However, after a few moments, "Fiorentina" scored the first goal. In the 15th minute, Alvaro Odriozola scored by sending a powerful shot into the goal. The second goal of the match came in the 34th minute. Giacomo Bonaventura struck a powerful shot from a close distance to "shatter" the opponent's goal and make it 2:0. In the 42nd minute, "Fiorentina" managed to score the third goal. Cristiano Biraghi expertly converted a long penalty shot, leaving no chance for the opponent's goalkeeper. In the second half, the hosts did not plan to slow down and added 3 more goals. In the 51st minute, Dusan Vlahovic scored his own goal. The Serbian technically outplayed the opponent's goalkeeper Salvatore Sirigu and made it 4:0. Cristiano Biraghi, who had already scored one goal, added another to his account. The Italian scored another impressive penalty shot, making the score an embarrassing 5:0. Lucas Torreira sealed the fate of the completely defeated guests by hitting the ball into the lower right corner of the goal with a header. After this crushing victory, "Fiorentina" rose to the 6th position in the standings and is now 6 points behind "Juventus," who are in 5th place.