Before the start of the TOPsport Futsal A League semi-final series for Jonava's "Vikings", team legionnaire from Ukraine Viktor Kravcovas was announced as the most valuable player of February. Such an award for a football player is the first in our country.
"Of course, for me, like for anyone, such recognition is pleasant, but it must be understood that this award is the result of the whole team's work. For this, I want to thank my teammates, because it just shows that we are on the right path," said V. Kravcovas.
- Did you feel that February was better than previous months?
- Definitely not.
- For the "Vikings", February was important in securing the second place in the regular season. What reasons led to your success?
- Our task is to win every game and delight our fans. And the final position is the result of all our work. What helped? Probably the fact that the team has character, a desire to win and, regardless of everything, aims for the best possible result.
- Your result in the regular season is not much different from the result achieved last year. However, looking from the side, it seems that this year the second place was fought for much harder.
- Yes, I agree. This is primarily due to the increasing level of the championship, better legionnaires coming in. It becomes harder for every team to play, but at the same time, more interesting.
- You started the playoffs with "Radviliškis". What reasons led to the victory of the "Vikings"?
- The main reason is that our team is stronger than Radviliškis. That's why it's us, not them, playing in the semi-finals.
- You have already won the first game in the semi-finals, but the work is probably not finished yet?
- In the semi-finals, we are playing against a very strong opponent, which is always interesting. Such games are liked by the audience, so I wish Lithuania to have as many performances like this as possible. Well, when it comes to teams, let the strongest win in a fair fight.
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