G. Higuain: "Juventus simply kicked me out of the club"

Gonzalo Higuain still harbors resentment towards the Turin club "Juventus", which refused his services this summer.

In August, G. Higuain was forced to leave the "old lady" after two successful seasons, when they decided to invest 100 million euros in Cristiano Ronaldo.

The 30-year-old forward scored 55 goals in two seasons and once helped the team reach the final of the UEFA Champions League. As the footballer himself claims, he still highly respects the team.

"My feelings for this team are the best, because both the players and the fans treated me impeccably," said Pipita.

"Of course, I didn't ask to leave myself. In reality, everything was as everyone says - they pushed me out. I quickly felt support from the "Milan" club and that convinced me.

I immediately understood that something had happened between me and "Juventus" when they bought Ronaldo. So, the decision to leave was not mine.

During those two years, I gave everything I could to the "Juventus" team. With Cristiano's arrival, they wanted to make a big leap, so I was told that I couldn’t stay here, but at the same time there would be solutions found. The decision was to move to "Milan,"" added the forward.

G. Higuain's life in Milan is not bad - he has scored six goals in seven matches.