G. Pique's goal brings victory to Spain against Czech Republic (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

At 16:00 on LRT channel, the second match of the 2016 European Championship Group D was available to watch. Current champions of the Old Continent, the Spaniards, faced the Czech Republic at the stadium in Toulouse. The players coached by Vicente Del Bosque showed better play throughout the match, but it was only at the end of the game that they managed to score a winning goal. Gerard Pique, who was outstanding throughout the match, extended an important victory with a score of 1-0. Starting lineups: Spain: De Gea, Juanfran, Ramos, Pique, Alba, Busquets, Iniesta, Fabregas (70' Thiago), Silva, Nolito (82' Pedro), Morata (62' Aduriz). Czech Republic: Cech, Kaderabek, Sivok, Hubnik, Limbersky, Darida, Plasil, Gebre-Selassie (86' Sural), Krejci, Rosicky (88' Pavelka), Necid (75' Lafata). The match started with open football. The Spaniards struggled to maintain possession of the ball in the middle of the field, allowing the Czechs to create threatening attacks on David De Gea's goal in the first five minutes. In the 15th minute, the first serious chance of the match came to the Czech Republic's goal. After a great pass from David Silva towards the goal, Alvaro Morata took a shot straight into Petr Cech's well-covered goal. In the 28th minute, after a pass from Andres Iniesta in the penalty area, A. Morata had another good chance, but his shot went wide of the goal. Later, the Spaniards tried their luck with shots from long distances, but they failed to hit the target. Towards the end of the first half, Jordi Alba and David Silva had several dangerous shots on P. Cech's goal, but in the final attack, the Spaniards could have been punished by forward Tomas Necid with a goal. However, D. De Gea responded confidently to his shot. The second half saw the Spaniards eager to score the first goal as soon as possible. Right from the first attack, Vicente Del Bosque's players posed a threat to P. Cech's goal, with the latter being saved once again by the crossbar. In the 56th minute, after a series of Spanish attacks, the Czechs had a chance to score from a set-piece situation. After a well-delivered ball in the penalty area, Roman Hubnik, who had escaped the opponent's defenders, took a shot at goal, but once again the "Man Utd" goalkeeper played brilliantly. In the 64th minute, there was a serious danger at the Spanish goal. Cesc Fabregas flicked the ball away from his own goal while falling. If the Spaniard had not managed to "hook" the ball in this episode, the Czechs would likely have gained a minimal advantage. After the dangerous Czech attack, the Spaniards strengthened their forces in defense, with Thiago Alcantara coming on for C. Fabregas. David Silva had a good chance in the 72nd minute, but his deceiving move and twisted shot were not enough to score a goal. In the 87th minute, after several attempts, the Spaniards finally managed to break through the opponents' defense. After A. Iniesta's lifted ball in the penalty area, Gerard Pique, who was outstanding throughout the match, headed the ball into the net and the champions of the Old Continent took the lead. At the end of the match, the Czechs had a chance to equalize, but D. De Gea neutralized Vladimir Darida's dangerous shot. In the remaining time, the Czech team failed to score an equalizing goal and the Spaniards celebrated their first victory in the championship. Result: Spain 1 - 0 Czech Republic 87' [1 - 0] G. Pique Andres Iniesta, who dominated the midfield, was recognized as the best player of the match. The D Group table: 1. Croatia: Played 1, Won 1, Drawn 0, Lost 0, Goal difference 1:0, Points 3. 2. Spain: Played 1, Won 1, Drawn 0, Lost 0, Goal difference 1:0, Points 3. 3. Czech Republic: Played 1, Won 0, Drawn 0, Lost 1, Goal difference 0:1, Points 0. 4. Turkey: Played 1, Won 0, Drawn 0, Lost 1, Goal difference 0:1, Points 0.