G. Southgate to address racism against England's national team footballers with UEFA

England's national team completed the first cycle of the European Championship qualifiers with a smashing victory, but the match in Montenegro was not without incidents.

The English team conceded the first goal, but later did not hold back against Montenegro - scoring five and celebrating a victory with a final score of 5:1. After the match, there was an uproar on social media due to insults directed at black English footballers by Montenegrin fans with racist remarks.

Danny Rose was particularly affected, after a few mistakes he was not only booed at the stadium but also faced racist chants.

Speaking after the match, England's head coach Gareth Southgate stated that the federation will not tolerate such behavior from Montenegrin fans and will address UEFA.

"This is unacceptable. I heard Rose being insulted after his mistake," the strategist said.

"I have no doubts about what happened. I definitely know what I heard. We need to assure the players that they have enough of our support. We need to report this to the relevant channels that will investigate this incident.

Many people heard what was happening in the stadium. We need to continue to take the initiative in our country and encourage authorities to take appropriate actions," added G. Southgate.

After the match, Raheem Sterling shared a post on social media showing how to deal with these people.

Best way to silence the haters (and yeah I mean racists) #2019 #getsomeeducation pic.twitter.com/ohhkOJtdey