Having swallowed the bitter pill: O. G. Solskjaer's worst day in Manchester © JumpStory

„Manchester United“ coach Ole Gunnar Solskjaer watched in shock as the „Tottenham“ team scored goal after goal against his players. In the „Premier League“, the team coached by the Norwegian was powerless against Jose Mourinho's army and lost 1:6. „It's a horrible feeling, it's the worst day for „Man Utd“ both as a coach and as a player. In the past, I have experienced painful failures and we would bounce back, so now we need to release players to their national teams where they will have to recover on their own. We will work with the remaining players in Manchester. After such a result, we just have to clear our heads and look forward“, the coach explained. „Sometimes you make mistakes - that's part of life. But we made too many mistakes in one game and the result against a very good team proves that. „Tottenham“ is very strong and punished us for every mistake we made.“