How did the TOP level masters of successful passes create goals? (article, video, survey)

The strongest European league competitions have already ended, and the teams and players have already divided the most important trophies. After the end of the TOP 5 European league championships, decided to delve deeper into the statistics of the best players, this time focusing on the players who made the most assists in those leagues and one player who remained in second place but contributed the most goals to his team friends. Let's see how they created those goals and compare these results among themselves.

Mesut Ozil ("Arsenal") - Premier League

Assists: 19 (1), one assist every - 159.8 minutes (2).

Chances created: 144 (1), one chance created every - 21.1 minutes (1).

Passes: Total accurate passes made - 1936 (1), one pass every - 1.57 minutes (2), pass accuracy - 87% (1), creating one chance every - 13.4 passes (4).

Pass distribution: Forward - 56% (4), backward - 44% (3).

Where chances were created: From the left flank - 23% (2), from the middle - 49.9% (5), from the right flank - 27.1% (3).

Situations in which assists were made: After attacks - 73.7% (6), from corners - 10.53% (2), from free kicks - 15.79% (2).

How assists were made: Cross pass - 47.37% (1), pass between opponents - 15.79% (4), other types of passes - 36.84% (6).

Lionel Messi ("Barcelona") - La Liga

Assists: 16 (3-4), one assist every - 170.6 minutes (4).

Chances created: 73 (5), one chance created every - 37.4 minutes (5).

Passes: Total accurate passes made - 1468 (3), one pass every - 1.86 minutes (4), pass accuracy - 82% (3), creating one chance every - 20.1 passes (5).

Pass distribution: Forward - 56.8% (3), backward - 43.2% (4).

Where chances were created: From the left flank - 8.2% (5), from the middle - 80.8% (2), from the right flank - 11% (5).

Situations in which assists were made: After attacks - 100% (1-2), from corners - 0% (4-6), from free kicks - 0% (4-6).

How assists were made: Cross pass - 0% (5-6), pass between opponents - 43.75% (1), other types of passes - 56.25% (4).


Tautvydas Sakalauskas