Iceland national team goalkeeper Hannes Halldorsson quickly became famous all over the world. The 34-year-old veteran reliably defended the team's goal in a World Cup match against Argentina (1:1), managing to withstand a penalty kick from forward Lionel Messi. After the match, the player revealed his secret of success: "This is the best scenario to debut in a world championship and withstand a shot from Messi himself. I still can't believe it happened. I had analyzed the opponent's penalty kicks and he was trying to shoot to both sides. I watched how he moves running towards the ball during the last penalty kicks and today I felt which way I needed to dive," said the goalkeeper. "Once again we proved that our game is not a coincidence. We formed a really good team that defends well, and our forwards and midfielders can create danger during counterattacks. Playing against us is a real nightmare."