In a Small Village in Argentina - Streets Named after National Team Players

The small village of Argentina El Chanaro can proudly boast of unusual street names.

In the northern part of the Argentine province of Tucuman, the residents of El Chanaro village triumph: many stars of the national team live among them, or more precisely - they live with the stars.

The culprits of such a fuss are the villagers themselves, who decided to rename the streets of the village.

This news spread throughout the country when one person sent photographs of unusual and newly built signs to the newspaper "La Gaceta de Tucuman".

For example, Emiliano Alzogaray now lives near the intersection of Lionel Messi and Sergio Aguero streets. "It sounds a bit strange, but we are already used to it. We really wanted to honor our national team football players, so after discussions it was decided to change the street names," says the man.

In total, almost 2 thousand people live in El Chanaro, but there are also "Barcelona" fans here. They are especially proud of the streets named in honor of Lionel Messi and Javier Mascherano, and most of all - their intersection, where both players' surnames are proudly displayed on a sign next to each other.

The streets named after them also include Martin Demichelis, Sergio Romero, Angel Di Maria, Gonzalo Higuain and Maxi Rodriguez.

It's a bit strange, but there is no street named after Ezequiel Lavezzi in El Chanaro. "That's true. There are no Lavezzi streets," jokes one of the village residents, named Fernando. - Then, I guess there would be women fighting over the right to live on that street".

By the way, during the World Cup, Argentine women searched for the most information about E. Lavezzi on "Google". "I would really like to live on a street named after him," confirms Silvia Perez, who owns a store in her home. She currently lives on A. Di Maria Street.

Now the biggest wish of the residents of El Chanaro village is to be visited by the stars of the Argentine national football team whose names are on the streets.