"In Barcelona" - Fans' Support for Current Leadership's Actions

At the general assembly of "Barcelona" held last Saturday, the overwhelming majority of fans approved the club's activities report for the previous season, as well as supported the team's new sponsorship agreements with two new sponsors - "Intel" and "Beko."

Presenting the results of the past financial year, the club's vice president Javier Fausas noted that Catalonia's club revenues reached a record high of 529.9 million euros.

"Barcelona's" expenses from the summer of 2013 to the summer of 2014 were 472 million euros.

J. Fausas confirmed that the club will continue to focus on solving problematic issues and reducing debts.

By the way, "Barcelona" reduced its debts by 44 million euros over the last financial year and now stands at 287 million euros.

Over the past four years, since the current Board of Directors took over the club's management, Catalonia's team debts have decreased by 143 million euros.

During the same period, "Barcelona" rose from 24th place to 2nd position in the prestigious magazine "Forbes" list of the most valuable sports clubs in the world.

For this financial year, according to forecasts, the Catalonia club is expected to make a profit of 539.2 million euros, while expenses are projected to exceed half a billion and reach 509.6 million euros. The predicted profit is expected to be lower, about 18 million euros.

The club's financial activities report was approved by 732 assembly delegates, 76 members voted against it, and 36 abstained.

During the assembly, there were also two separate votes by club fans on contracts with sponsors.

For the agreement with "Intel," whose logo is on the inside of "Barcelona" jerseys, 828 delegates voted in favor, 51 voted against, and 39 abstained.

For the agreement with "Beko," whose logo is featured on the back of training jerseys and the sleeve of game jerseys, 818 delegates supported it, 67 were against, and 42 abstained.
