In spring, the Lithuanian football community will elect the president of the Lithuanian Football Federation. At the regular conference of the Lithuanian Football Federation, which will take place in Kaunas on March 17, 80 delegates will have to cast their votes for one of the three candidates - Liutauras Varanavičius, Julius Kvedaras, or Gintautas Babravičius.
According to the LFF statutes, the president is elected by the Conference for a four-year term. Only LFF members can nominate candidates for the position of president, at least 40 calendar days before the Conference.
LFF members were informed about the 2012 Conference and the planned LFF presidential elections 2 months before the deadline for final candidate nominations, i.e., on December 6, 2011. Three nominations were proposed by LFF members.
L. Varanavičius was nominated for the position of LFF president by the Utena County Football Federation, Alytus County Football Federation, and the Lithuanian Football Referees Association. J. Kvedaras' nomination was put forth by the Lithuanian Women's Football Association, and G. Babravičius by the Football Technical Development Association.
The candidate who receives the majority of votes from delegates in the first round of voting (50%+1) is considered elected to the position of LFF president. If no candidate receives the necessary majority of votes in the first round of voting, an immediate repeat vote (second round of voting) is held for the two candidates who received the most votes. The candidate who receives the most votes is considered elected.
The Lithuanian Football Federation conference is a regular gathering of LFF members. It is the highest body of the LFF.
The conference is composed of delegates appointed by LFF members. Each member sends five delegates to the conference, each with one vote.
The Executive Committee determines the date, location, and agenda of the conference. The conference has the right to adopt and amend LFF statutes, elect and remove the president from office, members of the Executive Committee, the general director, approve the budget, LFF activities program, and more.
On February 2, the members of the LFF Executive Committee, who met in Kaunas, decided that the next regular LFF Conference will take place on March 17 this year in Kaunas, at the National Football Academy.