In the historical debut - "Žalgiris" draws in Slovakia © E. Žaldario

In the debut UEFA Europa Conference League match, Žalgiris scored their first point - a draw with Bratislava's Slovan ended in a 0:0 tie. The next match in the tournament, Žalgiris will play at home against Basel on September 15th. The events of the match: In Žalgiris' lineup compared to the last qualifying match against Ludogorets, there were two changes. Joel Bopesu and Francis Kyeremeh started the game. J. Bopesu took a place on the right flank, while M. Paveličius returned to the center-back position. The hosts created the first dangerous attack. 10th min. A. Barseghyan received the ball in the penalty area and shot from 16 meters, but missed the goal. A minute later, G. Chakvetadze missed from a distance. 20 min. M. Miličkovičius tried his luck from distance, but the attempt was unsuccessful. 22 min. in a counterattack, M. Oyewusi almost reached the opponent's goalkeeper. 28 min. after F. Kyeremeh's delivery in the middle of the penalty area, F. Ourega had a chance, but his shot was off-target - the ball flew over the goal. 30 min. the hosts also had a chance, luckily after a pass from the right flank, U. Agbo shot over the crossbar. 33 min. after F. Kyeremeh's pass, M. Oyewusi sprinted through the center, but he failed to get the ball past the goalkeeper. 37 min. G. Chakvetadze missed from distance again. 40 min. U. Agbo missed the target. 43 min. F. Ourega's shot from the left flank was dangerous, but the ball flew wide. 44 min. M. Miličkovičius' shot was blocked by defenders, and P. Mamičius' strong shot flew over the goal. During the added time of the first half, after P. Mamičius' throw from the sideline, F. Kyeremeh shot from the run and the goalkeeper caught the ball. At the beginning of the second half, Žalgiris had a great opportunity. In a fast attack, F. Ourega burst into the penalty area on the right flank, deceived the defender and shot with his right foot towards the far corner of the goal. M. Oyewusi reached the ball flying past the goalkeeper, but he missed from close range. 51 min. after a pass from the left flank, E. Ramirez's header was dangerous, but it was saved by E. Gertmonas. A minute later, Žalgiris attacked again and F. Kyeremeh shot from distance near the goal. 54 min. G. Chakvetadze penetrated the penalty area from the left flank and had a good opportunity, but E. Gertmonas saved the shot again. 62 min. the Vilnius team also had a great chance. After F. Ourega's pass towards the far post, F. Kyeremeh was free on the right flank about 8 meters from the goal, but he shot wide from the run. 84 min. M. Abena's header was dangerous, but the ball flew over the crossbar. Starting lineups: