In the updated FIFA ranking, Lithuania's national team was surpassed by Estonia and Suriname. ©

The Lithuanian national team has dropped even lower in the FIFA rankings after the latest update.

Lithuania is currently in 144th position, and Reinhaldo Breu's students managed to surpass countries such as Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and Suriname.

The last time the Lithuanian national team was ranked so low in the FIFA rankings was in 2018 (147th position).

Before that, Lithuania held the 142nd position for 4 months, and in the month of February, it was even in the 137th position.

At the top of the FIFA ranking, there have been few changes. Italy and Spain have swapped places.

Croatia and Switzerland's national teams have risen in the ranking, while the United States, Uruguay, and Mexico have slightly dropped, as the ranking is refreshed every two months.