It became clear when A. Laporte should return to the pitch

One of the main pillars of "Manchester City" defense, Aymeric Laporte, has played only four games this season due to injury so far.

The 25-year-old Frenchman, speaking to "The National", revealed that the rehabilitation process is going well and he hopes to return to the field in the next two months.

"Everything is going well. I still need some time, but I hope to return as soon as possible and help my team mates.

I can't say exactly how long it will take, but I should be back on the field no later than a couple of months.

I feel like I am an important part of the team. Pep has given me more confidence in my abilities and I am very happy about that.

I believe in my team's abilities. I hope that this season, like the last, we can fight for many trophies," - said A. Laporte.