J. Bartomeu: Xavi will takeover the reins of "Barcelona" one day © JumpStory

„Barcelona“ president Josep Bartomeu talked about the possibilities of the legendary team's midfielder Xavi becoming the head coach in the future. According to the leader, it may not be too long. „Xavi will one day become the coach of „Barcelona“. It will happen sooner or later. But at the moment we are not looking for a new strategist, we are working with Quique Setien“, clarified J. Bartomeu. „He will lead our team in the Champions League continuation and the remaining two „La Liga“ matches. This season is very atypical and we will have to play in August, and Setien will continue to lead the team. If we surpass „Napoli“, we will advance to the stage in Lisbon. Our desire is to fulfill existing contracts, and one of them is with Setien. We went to the coach's house to discuss the future and plans for the next season. He will probably stay here and it was very interesting for me to hear his opinion.“"