J. Henderson: "We do not look at other teams"

Just one step away from the Premier League trophy last season, the remaining Liverpool team is determined to finally become the strongest team in England.

Jurgen Klopp's pupils have not lost a single point in the first six rounds and already have a five-point advantage over second-placed Manchester City, who recently defeated Watford's players 8-0.

However, Liverpool's captain Jordan Henderson is not inclined to spy on opponents and their improving records, but rather focuses all his attention on his team.

"We have to think only about what we need to do ourselves and focus on that. We cannot worry about anything else. We have to look ahead to the next game and prepare for it.

The next game is always the most important. We do not look at the other teams. Obviously, neutral spectators look at the teams' results and City's performance last weekend was certainly good.

But for us, the most important thing is to show good gameplay and collect as many points as possible. We will only look at the league table at the end of the season," Henderson said, speaking to journalists.