"Liverpool" coach Jurgen Klopp revealed how last year the leaders of Dortmund's "Borussia" invited him to return.
J. Klopp coached the "Borussia" club from 2008-2015, winning the Bundesliga twice with him in 2011 and 2012, and playing in the Champions League final in 2013. After that, the German moved to Liverpool.
However, last summer the coach received an invitation from "Borussia" leader Hans Joachim Watzke to return. And he rejected it.
"I was on a plane when my phone rang. It was H. J. Watzke. He said: Jurgen, you have to come back to us. I laughed, thinking it was a joke. I asked if he had gone crazy? Or maybe he was drunk? How did they even come up with such an idea? I have a few more years to work with "Liverpool". I don't know how serious his idea was, but it is clear that H. J. Watzke wanted to know my reaction," Klopp said.
At the same time, H. J. Watzke in his just released autobiographical book "True Love: Life with BVB" told about this episode.
"I knew Jurgen's answer would be negative. But we had decided to move in a different direction and change our strategy, so I had to ask J. Klopp about a possible return. I didn't expect him to agree, but I would never forgive myself if I hadn't asked," wrote H. J. Watzke.
Still, J. Klopp stated that he would never close the door to the Dortmund club: "Maybe they will need my services someday, so why not? I don't reject that possibility. However, I don't think it will happen in the near future."