J. Kloppas: don't vaccinate - the same as driving drunk © AP

"Liverpool" team coach Jurgen Klopp is delighted with the conscientiousness of his players. The German reported that almost his entire team has been vaccinated against coronavirus. "We are 99 percent vaccinated. I did not have to persuade the players, it was more of a natural team decision. I could not personally talk to the players and explain to them why it needs to be done, because I am not a doctor," - assured J. Klopp, who justified the barriers that arose against vaccines opponents. "I would assess this situation as driving under the influence. Just leaning a glass or two of beer can make you think that it's okay to sit behind the wheel, but the law protects other people. In my opinion, with vaccines it's the same situation: I don't get vaccinated just for myself, it also protects the people around me," - clarified the German to the "Mirror".