J. Kloppas: "Enough Celebrating Victory in the Champions League"

"Liverpool" club started their journey in the 2019-20 English Premier League season on Friday. Scoring four goals in the first half, the "Reds" defeated Norwich and secured their first victory in the 38-round battle. Prior to the match, the taste of the UEFA Champions League victory was still felt at the Liverpool stadium. Both outside and inside the stadium, the triumph of the "Reds" in that tournament was highlighted. When asked after the match if he expected a special ceremony for the trophy, J. Klopp replied that it was time to forget about the European champion journey and focus on this season's battles. "What are you doing here?", answered J. Klopp. "I touched the Champions League trophies after the final and the day after, nothing more." "There is no need to bring the trophies to the stadium. I know that feeling, and people also know how it looks. If someone was planning it, they would have informed me. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that I would have declined to do it, as we start a new season. Enough of celebrating. No one else needs to come to me and congratulate me on the won trophy. Everyone does it, but I really have had enough of those things. We should forget about it and start the new season," the manager stated. J. Klopp will have the opportunity on Wednesday to compete for the second trophy in the Liverpool club. They will face London's Chelsea in the UEFA Super Cup match.