J. Kloppas: "L. Messi is the best player I have ever seen in my life © PA

“Liverpool” coach Jurgen Klopp shared his thoughts on the recent World Cup in a press conference and did not hesitate to praise the champion, the Argentina national team, and especially their leader Lionel Messi.

“Argentina deserved it and when we see a team celebrating with their nation, it probably means that this victory came in very difficult times for them. I am very happy for them, they waited a long time,” - said Klopp.

“Lionel Messi is the best player I have ever seen in my life. The way he plays football in this era should give everyone a hint of how long footballers can stay at the highest level. We should not close the books too soon. It was a true joy to watch him,”

35-year-old Lionel Messi was recognized as the best player of the World Cup, scoring 7 goals and providing 3 assists.