J. Kloppas: "Liverpool" can surpass "Man City" and "Man Utd"

„Liverpool“ team fell into an obvious pit and after 7 rounds with 12 points is only in seventh place. Meanwhile, „Manchester City“ and „Manchester United“ with 19 points step into the first positions.

Indeed, „Liverpool“ team's head coach Jurgen Klopp is convinced that they will still be able to catch up with the Manchester teams.

„I really think we are not far from being a threat. If we do what we do best, score more goals, win, we won't have to worry about other teams and we'll erase the gap.

I cannot speak about the difference between us and other teams. We have our tough period. Other teams will have it too. We just have to work on ourselves. We need to focus on our situation and not think about where other teams are.

I haven't seen any confidence in my team. It is our duty to be confident in ourselves, because those guys are very good“, - said the specialist.