J. Kloppas: Neymar's reaction to setbacks is normal

Jurgen Klopp has an unavoidable headache-raising question - how to stop Paris Saint-Germain's superstar Neymar in the Champions League start this week. Neymar, heavily criticized for exaggerating and overreacting on the pitch, was once again defended by the opponent's coach - J. Klopp. Liverpool's strategist does not think that the Brazilian is behaving inappropriately on the field. "When I watched a few World Cup matches, it seemed to me that he was getting out of situations a bit more. To me, it was a completely normal reaction to setbacks. Players attack him very strongly, and he just wants to protect himself. I understand that. If a player gets a yellow card, he is much closer to a red one. It is smart that he is trying to protect himself. He is a fantastic footballer, an incredible footballer. He was not completely ready for the World Cup, but no one asked him if he could play. He had to protect himself and that's it. I don't think he is the type of person who wants to act, because if you are like that, you can't play at his level. He rested over the weekend and will be 100% fresh in front of us. We will see him fully prepared, and we will have to deal with that," J. Klopp said.