J. Kloppas: "The use of VAR system can certainly be improved"

Since this season, the video review system (VAR) has been introduced in the English Premier League, which continues to spark a lot of controversy and discussion. After Sunday's match between Liverpool and Manchester City, City's manager Pep Guardiola was particularly dissatisfied with the VAR system, believing that two penalties should have been awarded to his team. Liverpool's manager, on the other hand, is convinced that the use of VAR system needs to be improved, but acknowledges that it is simply impossible to completely avoid mistakes. "The use of VAR system can certainly be improved. We will never achieve perfection and we all understand that, but there are aspects that need to be fixed. It is clear that we need to clarify the rules regarding handball and offsides with the help of VAR. UEFA has presented some good ideas on how this could be done. Mistakes will always happen. Video replays are reviewed by humans and we all make mistakes. No one is asking for perfection, we just want as many correct decisions to be made," said J. Klopp after the European coaches' meeting.