J. Mourinho is not sure if it is the best "Liverpool" team he has had to play against

Already tonight the "Manchester United" will arrive at the biggest rivals' camp - at 6 pm the match between "Liverpool" and "Man Utd" will begin at "Anfield" stadium.

Jose Mourinho, when asked if he is facing the best "Liverpool" team he has ever faced, sarcastically mentioned that he had to fight against Liverpool, who were champions. "You know, I played against Liverpool, who were European champions," J. Mourinho immediately stated.

When asked if this "red" team is stronger than the one that triumphed in Istanbul in 2005, J. Mourinho replied: "I don't know which one is better, but I know that one team was European champions, and the other hasn't won anything."

Later in an interview with "The Guardian" publication, J. Mourinho said that "Liverpool" should not expect an easy match. "I think they are a very confident team. They are not foolish and, I believe, they know that these matches will be difficult. They know our strengths and weaknesses, so I think they will respect us," added the strategist.

"Liverpool" has not been able to achieve victory against "Man Utd" in their last eight matches in the English "Premier" league.