J. Pastore: "I think we won't be able to finish this season"

Italy, experiencing an incredibly difficult period, is struggling with the outbreak of coronavirus, which has already claimed the lives of more than 4800 people in the country.

Despite this, the leaders of "Serie A" still hope to finish this season when the COVID-19 spread is under control.

In this scenario, Roma's midfielder Javier Pastore does not believe the season will be finished.

"We will see if we will finish this season or start immediately with the next one. Honestly, I don't think we will be able to finish this season because players will need at least 20-30 days for preparation and regain their form.

Clubs will suffer huge financial losses, but there are almost no possibilities to extend the season.

If this season ends late, then we will have to postpone the start of the next one, which is impossible because next summer will host the European Championship, Copa America, and other tournaments," - J. Pastore told "Radio Impacto".