J.Terry will return to the court on Saturday © EuroFootball.com

Good news reached London's team - team captain and defensive pillar John Terry will return to the field this Saturday and help his club in the match against [opponent].

J. Terry suffered an injury last December and since then the results of the "Blues" have significantly worsened.

"Terry is an important player for our team and we missed him, so it's very good that he is returning to the lineup, especially now when we are already lacking players," said "Chelsea" coach, Portuguese Jose Mourinho.

However, the English champions cannot rejoice too much - currently awaiting the results of Ashley Cole's tests. There are fears that this season could be over for the defender.

"Ashley has problems with his knee and so far we don't know exactly what. But he can't walk, so it's serious. We'll have to wait a bit to find out what exactly is wrong with him. Since players often have to undergo surgery after such injuries, I fear the worst," shared J. Mourinho.

It is expected that on Thursday another defender, Dutchman Khalid Boulahrouzas, will already be training with the team. "Perhaps in a week he will be able to play," Mourinho optimistically stated.