"EuroFootball.com" offers to follow all officially confirmed information, rumors, and "gossip" from various sources in one place - in this news article. Messages will be regularly updated, but we also ask you to be active: if you have information and can support it with even the most reliable source, write about it in the comments, discuss, evaluate, criticize, and praise. *** 11.30 "Man Utd" asks Wesley Sneijder to reduce the desired salary, otherwise the transfer from Milan's "Inter" will not happen. ("Sunday Mirror") Cesc Fabregas plans to say goodbye to London's "Arsenal" fans, as he has already agreed to a €4 million annual salary at "Barcelona" club. ("The People") Failing to agree on Javier Pastore, London's "Chelsea" will offer €45 million for London's "Tottenham" midfielder Luka Modric. ("Metro") "Liverpool" intends to allocate €18 million to acquire two defenders: Newcastle's Jose Enrique and Birmingham's Scott Dann. ("Fanatix") Istanbul's "Galatasaray" is preparing to offer €8 million for Madrid's "Real" midfielder Lassana Diarra. (AS) "Lyon" may extend the contract with Michel Bastos, who has attracted the interest of several European teams this summer. ("Football Press") In addition, Liverpool's club may soon be joined by 26-year-old forward from South Korea Park Chu Young, who has represented "Monaco". ("Inside Football")