"Juventus" director: Morata and Dybala will not be sold

„Juventus“ director Giuseppe Moratta suggested to other teams not even try to buy Paulo Dybala and Alvaro Morata, stating that they are key figures in the team's future plans.

Summer signing Dybala, is already attracting interest from several European teams, including Barcelona. In the match against „Fiorentina“, the player scored his eighth goal of the season, and Moratta revealed that the 22-year-old will definitely not be sold.

„He is a player who is still improving and has not yet reached his full potential, as he is still very young. Every week he proves his worth, but we have no intentions of selling him this year or in any other season. Our team has invested a lot of money in him, and he represents the foundations of our future team,“ - Moratta spoke about his forward to Mediaset Premium.

Alvaro Morata extended his contract with „Juventus“ last week until 2020. However, Real Madrid still has the option to reclaim the player for a certain amount.

„The new contract didn't change anything. It's just logical to invest in a player when he stays with us, especially when he has a lot of talent. We will start negotiations with Real Madrid and hope to resolve the situation. We hope to eliminate the buy-back option. The Madrid club knows very well that he is a promising player with all the potential to become a star,“ - the „Juventus“ director revealed about the situation with the other forward.

After the weekend victory against „Fiorentina“, „Juventus“ climbed to fourth place in the Serie A standings.