"Juventus" faces removal from "Serie A" league © „Reuters“

"Juventus" leaders will have to make a very important decision as soon as possible. Representatives of "Serie A" together with the teams of "Barcelona" and Madrid's "Real" have not yet withdrawn from the controversial Super League project, and this could result in significant losses and huge penalties for the former Italian champions. UEFA has already hinted at its intentions to deal strictly with rebels earlier, and now the President of the Italian Football Federation, Gabriele Gravina, has spoken about a punitive measure for the team. "The rules are clear - if Juventus remains part of the Super League next season, the team will not be able to participate in Serie A championships," the leader said. "I apologize to the fans, but rules are rules and they apply to everyone. I hope everything will be resolved quickly." If the team from Turin remains loyal to the Super League, it will play in the Serie B championship for the second time in its history. The first time this happened was in the 2006/2007 season, when the club received a very harsh penalty for bribing referees."