K. Schmeichel before the battle of England-Denmark: "Has football ever come home?" © PA

Today, the Danish national team will meet with the English national team in the semi-finals of the European Championship. Denmark will have the opportunity to continue their Cinderella story, while England could reach the European Championship final for the first time in their history. Prior to the match, Danish goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel shared his thoughts, pondering whether football has ever come home, which is perhaps the most famous football phrase associated with the England team. "Has football ever come home? I don't know, have you ever won anything?" - K. Schmeichel pondered before the English reminded him of the 1966 World Cup triumph in a press conference. "But that was just the World Cup?", the Danish goalkeeper asked.

"To be honest, I wouldn't even think about what it would mean to win against the England team. I would think more about what it would mean for Denmark. I actually pay very little attention to the England team. To me, the England team doesn't mean anything," said K. Schmeichel. He continued: "This (victory) would mean a lot to my country, it would mean a lot to Denmark. The joy that it would bring to see a country of five and a half million inhabitants achieve something like this or compete with countries they are competing against. So, yes, I wouldn't even think about England's feelings in this situation."

By the way, Leicester City goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel could become the first father-son duo to win the European Championship, as legendary goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel triumphed with the Danish national team in 1992. Today we will see if such a scenario is realistic.