K.P. Boateng: I Returned to Italy for Pasta

"Sassuolo" team defender Kevin Prince Boateng revealed to the press the main reasons why last summer he decided to leave Frankfurt's "Eintracht" and put on "Sassuolo" jersey.

"I came here for the pasta," smiled the Ghanaian national team player.

"In Italy, they are very tasty, for example, I recently went to a restaurant and enjoyed it so much that I went to the kitchen and hugged the chef.

Of course, it is important not to overindulge, as it can lead to weight gain."

A somewhat serious K.P. Boateng said: "I left Germany not only because of family, but also because Frankfurt's team lost coach Niko Kovac. It was no secret that I moved to Germany because of the Croatian and now I wanted to preserve positive memories.

It's nice to know that the Frankfurt club would welcome me with open arms. After all, I was not rejected!"