L. Bonucci's advice for the English: eat more pasta! © „Reuters“

European football championship fans undoubtedly remembered Italian national team defender Leonardo Bonucci. The 34-year-old veteran played very solidly and scored the equalizing goal against the English in the final match. After the match, L. Bonucci did not avoid the cameras' attention and went straight to the airwaves, changing the lyrics of a popular English song, shouting: "It's going to Rome!" The player didn't shy away from joking and giving advice to the local fans gathered at the stadium: "Eat more pasta!" "It's a unique feeling, and we are happy about it. To see that 65,000 people are scattered before receiving the trophies - it's worth enjoying, now the cup is going to Rome. The English thought the trophy would stay in London, too bad for them, but Italy has once again taught them a lesson. We told ourselves in training that what's happening in the stands is just background noise. We had 34 undefeated matches in our piggy bank, we just needed to do exactly what we had done so far to get here, not a bit more or less."

pic.twitter.com/oH83kBjhA9 - Chairman Lmao (Twitter handle: @BenTheTim) on July 11, 2021