L. Figo on FIFA Presidential Elections: Football Lost © JumpStory

Former candidate for the FIFA presidency Luis Figo says that with Sepp Blatter re-elected, football suffered the most and urged him to step down from his duties.

The 79-year-old Swiss won more votes yesterday than Jordanian Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein and will serve his fifth term.

Earlier this week, US law enforcement accused fourteen FIFA representatives of corruption and bribery.

"Today in Zurich was another dark day," Figo said. "FIFA lost, but, more importantly, football and everyone who truly cares about it lost."

"Mr. Blatter's reaction, when he said he could not control everyone, was very cynical. It insulted everyone's intellect. Those individuals who Mr. Blatter has raised to positions of power over the years have also brought the entire organization down with him.

"If Mr. Blatter had even a minimal concern for football, he would not have sought re-election. If he has even a tiny bit of decency, he will step down from his position in the coming days."