L. Modric faces five years in prison

"Real" Madrid star is trying to steal all media attention away from his teammate Cristiano Ronaldo, who is accused of tax evasion. The Croatian prosecutor's office has confirmed that they are investigating a potentially false testimony given by Zdravko Mamic in court. According to the country's laws, if found guilty, the 31-year-old footballer could face a sentence ranging from six months to five years of imprisonment. Modric was one of the key witnesses in the trial of former Dinamo Zagreb executive director, as he moved from the Croatian club to Tottenham in London under his leadership. In addition to embezzlement and tax fraud, Mamic is also accused of keeping a large portion of the transfer fee instead of transferring it to the club. The defendant did not deny these allegations, but claimed that his actions did not violate any laws. There is a disagreement about whether the terms in the contract distributed the received transfer fee fairly between the club and the player, as prosecutors try to prove that this was recorded after the transfer was completed. Modric initially confirmed this version of events, but later changed the details of his testimony and said that he got confused. It is worth noting that the Croatian national team leader moved to Tottenham in 2008 and has been defending the colors of Real since 2012."