L. Varanavičius revealed the criminal football cards of the past © lff.lt

Former President of the Lithuanian Football Federation Liutauras Varanavicius revealed interesting past events in journalist Dailius Dargis' show.

According to him, the main country's football organization has been profitable for over a decade, and in the past, suspicious individuals used to try to get involved with it.

"Back then, we received only 2 million euros for marketing rights, now that amount is 7 million euros," said L. Varanavicius about the benefits of important changes made by UEFA.

When asked by journalist D. Dargis how much of the current LFF budget of 13 million euros could be spent on football and how much money could potentially go elsewhere, the former leader responded:

"I don't know, because I haven't seen the latest expenses and what is being done there. Budgets should be looked at. I think that some investments are being made somewhere and something is being done. There are events and the national team travels abroad.

I think about 2-3 million euros are left, but how they are being used, I don't know."

He recalled the story from 2012 when there was only 1 million litas left, but then other federation leaders J. Kvedaras and S. Stankus told him, "Earning was your job, but dividing and sharing is what we do."

L. Varanavicius also spoke about the fight against fixed matches in Lithuania.

"At first, we in the federation tried to prove it ourselves, but then we saw that it was hopeless.

How to prove that players agree to play for a draw?

Then we turned to the VSD department, the police, but from the VSD we received a response that it was not a matter of national security. And the police said that until the laws change, nothing will happen. Who could be harmed if the game ended 1:1?"

We also recommend visitors to read the interview given by L. Varanavicius to the website "EuroFootball.com" almost 20 years ago Part 1 | Part 2