Leozinho - about tricks with the ball, hairdresser profession, and Brazilian expectations © lff.lt

During the World Championship group stage, right before the last match, around 3:58 PM at the Klaipėda Arena everyone stood up to listen to (or sing) the Brazilian national anthem. At 5:18 PM, the whole Klaipėda Arena stood up for an impressive episode created by the young team talent Leozinho. Leozinho demonstrated a breathtaking move passing the ball through two defenders with his two feet – a lambreta - delighting the audience. Furthermore, if not for the lambreta, the 22-year-old country player wouldn't even be in the FIFA Futsal World Cup final stage in Lithuania. In this interview with the FIFA.com website, Leozinho also talked about his haircuts, the "New Falcao" label, and Brazil's chances to win trophies.

- How does it feel to play in the FIFA Futsal World Cup? - I don't want to wake up from this dream. My life hasn't been easy, and now I'm playing in the World Cup. To be honest, I don't really grasp it all. I don't even want to. I just enjoy every moment. Each moment is like a dream. I always think about what my family thinks. Knowing that I am an inspiration to many underprivileged children means a lot to me. It's a big responsibility. I dreamed of being like Ronaldinho Gaucho or Falcao. Knowing that kids dream of being the new Leozinho gives me a sense of pride and a lot of emotions.

- Did you play outdoor or indoor soccer as a kid? - I played both. In the city where I grew up, there weren't many opportunities. I heard a lot of promises - one guy promised to take me to a big club in Rio de Janeiro, another promised the same. Every time I started to hope for something, and every time it was just empty promises. The first real opportunity came in futsal, so I went there. I think my style is more suitable for futsal. I know that kids first dream of becoming soccer players, but futsal is also a great sport. I am really happy to be here.

- That first opportunity almost didn't become a reality, did it? - In 2017, I got into a tryout at the "Magnus" futsal club. It was supposed to be a selection with 350 kids, which was already a lot. But there was a mistake in the system, and over 1000 kids showed up. I thought, "Damn, it's all over." In the first part, you had just 40 seconds to show what you can do, or you were eliminated. I did the lambreta, amazed them, got to the next stage, and everything took off.

- Did you ever think of becoming a hairdresser before that? - My first and only choice was to play. I didn't have a plan B. But I didn't have the money to always have someone cut my hair. So I started doing it myself, trying new things, and I became better in that area. It's funny that you ask because sometimes I think my job here is to be a hairdresser (laughs). I'm half a player, half a hairdresser. Everyone wants to look good, so players, the whole team delegation, ask to have their hair cut. I'm always happy to help. If I weren't a player, I would probably be a hairdresser.

- Speaking of hair, we heard that once you went to a game with dyed hair... - (Laughs) I want to forget that day! It was our debut in the Brazilian national championship - in my opinion, the best league in the world. I was very young, decided to dye my hair to look different. We won, but the whole team laughed at me because the dye didn't really work. They made fun of me then and still do to this day! The next morning, I dyed my hair black, but no one forgot about it. What do you say about that? (laughs) Capita (captain) right? Well, you can tell him this: I promised myself that if we win the World Cup, I'll dye my hair again! Capita will have to take a photo with me.

- How does it feel to score in the World Cup and delight the audience with a lambreta? - I dreamed of that moment my whole life: scoring a goal in the World Cup. It wasn't just my dream, but also the dream of my whole family and friends. True euphoria. Knowing that my family is proud of me was very gratifying. It motivates me. As for the lambreta - it's just fun to lift the audience from their seats. It gives me positive energy.

- Is it important for you to do a show for the audience or winning is the most important? - Winning, just winning. The tricks I perform are part of my game. Of course, I'm happy when the audience rises from their seats because of my actions. But believe me - if I show an amazing trick, but we lose - I will be very very disappointed.

- How does it feel to be called the "New Falcao"? - I am happy, it's an honor to be compared to the best futsal player in history. But I try to be Leozinho, to create my own story.

- Will Brazil win the championship in Lithuania? - Of course, Brazil participates in every tournament to become champions. Everything else for Brazilians is a failure. The expectations are very high, we know that we have to live up to them.

- Who are Brazil's biggest competitors in the fight for the title? - Argentina. Their path to the title is not the easiest, but still, I would say Argentina. They defend the title of champions and have a great team. Brazil against Argentina - the biggest derby in the world. Can you imagine what it would be like in the World Cup?