Representing the team „Angers“ in the French first league, Feridas El Melalis was caught masturbating in a public place for the second time. The 23-year-old forward spent the morning in custody, but joined the team's training session after lunch. The football player's lawyer expressed a sincere apology to the woman who was shocked by such behavior and assured that this situation will not happen again. However, the footballer will have to stand trial for the offense, which occurred not for the first time. The trial will take place on August 25th. The footballer could face a one-year prison sentence and a 15,000 euro fine. Additionally, the footballer will be punished by the „Angers“ club, who may terminate the contract with the young forward. The contract between „Angers“ and the forward was signed in 2018, during which he scored 3 goals in 28 matches. The club's agreement with the footballer is valid until 2023.