Liverpool celebrates profitable deal with Adidas ©

Starting next season, the Liverpool team will change their kit manufacturer.

It has been officially announced that the Premier League team has signed a contract with the company Adidas.

The Germans, who will replace Nike, have promised to double the guaranteed amount per season from £30 million to £60 million.

By shaking hands, Adidas has further strengthened its position among the most famous teams on the Old Continent.

Most Profitable Kit Deals

1) Real - Adidas - £110 million
2) Barcelona - Nike - £105 million (£131 million signing bonus)
3) Manchester United - Adidas - £90 million
4) Arsenal - Adidas - £75 million
5) Manchester City - Puma - £65 million
6) Chelsea - Nike - £60 million
7) Liverpool - Adidas - £60 million
8) Juventus - Adidas - £46 million
9) Bayern - Adidas - £42.5 million
10) Tottenham - Nike - £30 million.

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