"Livorno" patience ended: presented three crosses and a pig's head

For the most impatient fans of the "Livorno" team, patience has run out. Outraged by the hopeless game of the club in the Italian "Serie C" championship, ultras decided to draw the attention of the team's owners with a gruesome act. It is reported that a severed pig's head was found on the club's stadium pitch, along with three crosses driven into the ground. Attached to them were plaques with the names of "Livorno" executives. "You will pay for everything. And you will pay dearly," read the banner hanging in the stadium. During this calendar year, "Livorno" won only two out of 24 matches, plagued by enormous financial troubles. Recently, the attempt by Dutch businessman Majdo Yousif to take over the club also failed. Currently, "Livorno" occupies 16th place out of 20 teams in the Serie C Group A league.

A very macabre scene at Livorno. A severed pig's head found on the pitch in front of three crosses with names of club directors and banner in the background which reads: "You will pay for everything. You will pay dearly." pic.twitter.com/I94RuDeOHO - Andrew Cesare (@AndrewCesare) October 21, 2020