LSFL: VU - first, KTU won the first victory ©

On Tuesday, two matches were played in the Lithuanian student football league. Kaunas University of Technology secured their first victory of the season, defeating Vilnius TECH students at home 1:0, while in the battle for first place, Klaipėda University's team 2:0 defeated former leaders from Vytautas Magnus University.

Klaipėda's Rise

After suffering a strong defeat last week and missing Mantas Rusys (due to disqualification) and Aleksandras Fiodorovas (due to injury), Klaipėda University's team arrived for the match against VDU with less confidence than the previous week.

"We arrived to play with mixed feelings. Besides the losses mentioned, Tomas Jonušas played with health issues, so I thought anything was possible," said KU coach Evaldas Misiūnas after the match.

In the first half, the team failed to prove superiority, and approaching halftime Ignas Paulius received a second yellow card and was sent off the field. Unlike the match against LSU, this dismissal did not have a significant impact.

Far from it - good concentration in defense, successful attacks, and in the middle of the second half, T. Jonušas scored the first goal. The hosts tried to equalize, but in the fifth minute of added time, Jonas Vaitkus, sending the ball into the net, secured the win.

After the victory, Klaipėda's team surpassed VDU by one point and temporarily rose to the top of the table.

First Time

In the other matches on Tuesday, after Ryčius Žebelis's goal, KTU defeated Vilnius TECH 1:0. Now there is a three-point difference between these two teams in the standings.

The duel between the neighbors on the tournament table started evenly. Neither team had a playing advantage, but the Kaunas team could boast of more dangerous episodes near the opponents' goal. Closest to scoring was Selimas Dundaras, who ended up one-on-one with the capital team's goalkeeper Matas Kalėda but shot the ball straight at him.

The field became increasingly wet, making it difficult for players, resulting in tackles from both sides. At the beginning of the second half, KTU students started pressing the opponents, who were not prepared for such pressure, making defensive mistakes and giving R. Žebelis a chance, which he capitalized on.

"We endured, although at the end we pressed them well. The field is tough, there's chaos in the field, but we managed to hold on," concluded Gintaras Grigonis.

A Poker helped VU return to the first place

An impressive performance by Giedrius Onuškevičius in the seventh match of the Lithuanian student football league between Vilnius University and Lithuanian Sports University gifted a victory of 5:0 to the former along with a ticket to the top of the tournament table. G. Onuškevičius added four goals to the victory, while Jonas Lebedevas scored one goal.

"I think the natural grass was our trump card. The Kaunas players are used to playing on artificial turf, but here we had to use completely different muscles. We were better physically, and that was very evident in the second half of the match," said VU coach Rimantas Tur.

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