M. Balotelli no longer wants to return to "Liverpool"

Just a few years ago Mario Balotelli, considered one of the most talented Italian footballers, is experiencing a real crisis this season.

The 25-year-old player, belonging to "Liverpool" club, is currently on loan to the "Milan" team this season. In the "Serie A" championship, the Italian managed to score only once in 16 matches.

Balotelli himself claims that his poor results are due to his physical condition. The striker also stated that he is not interested in returning to Liverpool after the season.

"I want to stay in Milan," - Mediaset Premium interviewed the Italian national team striker. - "I don't want to go back to Liverpool. I never feel happy in that team and city."

"It seems that I have finally found my athletic form. I think that in the next two or three weeks, my performances on the field will only get better," added the controversial footballer.