M. Ozil dreams of triumph in the World Championship final by beating England

The German national team has traveled to Russia with a very big mission - to defend the title of world champions. Germany triumphed in Brazil in 2014 and will try to do the same again. The team's football players do not set smaller goals for themselves, and they also understand that the fans want the same. One of the biggest stars of the German national team, Mesut Ozil, even revealed with whom he would like to play in the final. "We are the current world champions. We have to try to repeat that, we have to return to the final and fight for everything. That's what the German fans demand from us. Personally, my dream is to play against England in the final and beat them without any extra time," said M. Ozil, recalling the final four years ago, in which Argentina was defeated after extra time. "In my eyes, England is a contender to be there. They made it to this World Cup facing fewer problems in qualification than many other teams. That gave them extra time to prepare. I believe they will go very far. They are one of the teams that can make our lives very difficult. We are world champions, and repeating that would be an incredible achievement for Germany," said M. Ozil.