M. Ozil's agent attacked "Arsenal" coach

"Mesut Ozil's agent Erkut Sogut does not intend to passively observe as the 'Arsenal' team pushes his client Mesut Ozil away from the football field. Recently it was announced that the 'Gunners' decided not to register the player for the 'Premier' and European league matches. E. Sogut spoke to ESPN: 'The 'Arsenal' fans deserve an honest answer and coach Mikel Arteta's claim that he was disappointed by the player is not enough. It's you, coach, who disappointed because you didn't want to be honest, fair, and open to show respect to someone who has been loyal for a long time and has a contract. Everyone not affiliated with the club acknowledges that Mesut was not treated fairly. He wasn't even given a chance to demonstrate his abilities this season.' The agent also shared some other information. 'According to all the people I've talked to, there is a unanimous opinion that the midfielder is training well, so that can't be the reason. I also spoke with five team players who confirmed that Mesut is one of the best players in the club and they don't understand why the athlete is not allowed to play. So, one must either tell the truth or remain silent,' - E. Sogut expressed his displeasure."