M. Sissoko most likely will not play this season © EuroFootball.com

One of the main team's defenders, Mohamed Sissoko, will most likely not be able to appear on the field again this season. This was announced on Friday by the head coach of the strongest European club of last year, Rafael Benitez.

The 21-year-old legionnaire from Mali suffered an eye injury during Tuesday's Champions League match against Lisbon. In these matches, after playing for half an hour, while fighting for the ball, "Benfica" defender Beto raised his leg too high and hit M. Sissoko in the face. After this incident, the Portuguese player received a yellow card, and the Malian was carried off the field on a stretcher.

At the moment, comprehensive examinations are being carried out on the young player, and the exact time when the defender will not be able to play is not yet clear. In the near future, M. Sissoko will go to London, where he should be examined by eye specialists.

There were rumors circulating that due to this serious injury, the footballer may be forced to end his career, but R. Benitez firmly states that this will not be necessary.

"He needs to rest, wait another week, and then meet with another specialist," - said the strategist from Spain. - "This is the first time in my career that such a severe eye injury has been experienced, so he will need time to recover. I think he will be able to play, but probably not this season. It's a big loss, but the most important thing is the player's health."