M. van Basten: Removal of offside rule would not ruin football

The Dutch football legend Marco van Basten suggested original ideas on how to make football an even more interesting game. According to him, the offside rule should be removed and the time should be stopped during the match. "Just look at how often footballers waste time throwing the ball into the field or pretending to be injured, spectators simply do not want to see that. Fans need action. And now there are many situations where you are forced to watch nonsense, that's not good," explained M. van Basten, whose opinion is that stopping time, like in basketball for example, could change the situation. "I am also not convinced of the usefulness of the offside rule. I would like to see how everything would go without it and I think it would be better. Teams would find ways to play without the offside rule. Opponents say that the opposing team would crowd your penalty area, but then it would be a mess, the goalkeeper wouldn't see anything, so we would need to find another solution. Attackers who get behind defenders should have more chances to score goals, but on the other hand, the defending team could send two players forward waiting for the ball. The attacking team should play more cautiously, as the field would expand in this way." "Now there is so much talk about offside decisions, and without it there would be significantly fewer problems, teams would play good matches that would be interesting to watch. It would be great to try it out."