Match between "Chelsea" and "Fulham" watched by football players from Chukotka ©

Children from five districts of Čiukotka, aged between 8 and 16, who play mini-football in county sports schools, returned from England, where they spent five days.

The young Čiukotkans watched the musical "Mamma Mia!", based on the music of the group ABBA, got acquainted with the sights of the capital of England, visited the British National Museum and Madame Tussauds wax figure museum, went to Oxford and Windsor.

But the main goal of the children's trip to England was to attend a Premier League match between [] and []. The meeting of two London football teams left an indelible impression on the young Čiukotka football players. "The boys really immersed themselves in the real football atmosphere, saw what they should aim for," said the chief youth and sports specialist of Čiukotka, Nikolajus Bačiurinas. "They liked the friendly singing of 'Kalinka-Malinka' at the stadium before the match, and the fact that [] won with a score of 2:1.

The children's memory of these matches was left with scarves and posters of the club belonging to Čiukotka Governor Roman Abramovich, as well as a strong desire to become professional footballers."